Tory Lies

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Archiving Tory (Conservative Party in UK) corruption, dishonesty, lies and their quiet coup on their journey to an authoritian United Kingdom

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Corporate Terrorism: Fire & Rehire Tactics Rife at Firms that are in Profit & Claiming Covid Corporate Benfits

Some corporations received corporate benefits while using 'Fire & Rehire' tactics. Companies condemned by unions also shows that some raised executive pay.

Timeline of the Plague Year

Rupert Read & Ian Sinclair's dissection of the Tory controlled Government’s woeful response to the country’s worst public health crisis in a century. Also as a free e-book.

UK Tory Government Departments Breaking Guidance on Conflicts of Interest

A number of Tory controlled Government departments are failing to follow official guidance on the declaration of board members’ conflicts of interest

Act Now on Sleaze Crisis or Lose 'Red Wall' Votes, Boris Johnson Warned

Boris Johnson will lose the trust of former Labour voters who helped put him in Downing Street unless he tackles the burgeoning sleaze crisis now threatening to engulf his government

Boris Johnson Promised Billionaire James Dyson he Would 'Fix' Tax Issue

Tory sleaze has reached the heart of Downing Street and Boris Johnson

Tory Sleaze - A Scandal Set to Haunt Boris Johnson

What began as the shaming of David Cameron now threatens to drag the current government into a cesspit

Reduce Crime? Tackle Poverty and Inequality to Reduce Crime, says Police Chief

Tory's default approach with continued austerity with cuts affecting people along with reduced social programs & limited support for those in difficulty are creating more crime in the UK.

British Families Took Bigger Hit to Income During Covid Pandemic than Europeans

Over a decade of continuing Tory austerity, cuts to NHS, social care resulted in UK’s greater inequality levels making pandemic impact worse for families

Matt Hancock - Links to Firm Used by NHS Exposes Tory Cronyism/Corruption

The Conservative government is “infected with widespread cronyism”. Reports indicate the health secretary’s family firm won contracts from the Tory government controlled NHS

Priti Patel’s Detention Policies Found to Breach Human Rights Rules

Court finds home secretary accountable for failures to ensure that deaths in immigration detention centres are investigated properly

Rapid Covid Testing in England may be Scaled Back Over False Positives

Boris Johnson last week urged everyone in England to take two rapid-turnaround tests a week, but 'true positive' tests are just 25% correct at best

Downing Street Rewrote ‘Independent’ Report on Race

Officials at Downing Street have been accused of rewriting much of its controversial report into racial and ethnic disparities